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Applying Renewable Energy

Einführungskurse (empfohlen): Intro to electricity, Intro to electric grids
Kurspaket Market Leaders: Photovoltaic/PV-application, Wind power, Biogas
Kurspaket Large Scale Systems: Photovoltaics/PV-applications, Wind power, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Kurspaket Solar Technologies: Photovoltaics/PV-applications, Small hydropower, Biogas, Solar thermal
Kurspaket Small-Scale Systems: Photovoltaic/PV-application, PV-diesel hybrid systems, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Kurspaket Complete Overview: Photovoltaic/PV-application, PV-diesel hybrid systems, Wind power, Small hydropower, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), Biogas, Solar thermal

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